Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Development and Council Reports

Local Politics – My View – Bill French

Development talks are ongoing in Springwater and the County of Simcoe. The frenzy and desire for more development amazes me. The municipalities in general including Springwater all think that development charges from new development is a magic bullet. The reality is that the consulting experts whom Springwater, along with other municipalities and the County have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars have confirmed in various reports that at best development charges are revenue neutral and in most cases are revenue negative adding a tax burden to the rate payer for added infrastructure because of unforeseen costs.

The fact that Springwater established settlement area boundaries years ago did not include a guarantee that they would ever be developed. It simply pointed the way where future development may occur if the demand and growth required it. There was never a commitment to automatically rezone the land or provide building permits when a developer presented a site plan and subdivision agreement. The fact that a few large speculators locked up all the acreage around Midhurst and Hillsdale is not the township’s problem. Anyone that invests in the market and expects it to grow cannot complain when the market goes down.

Springwater grew quite orderly for many years by controlled development by small builders. It also created badly needed local jobs and provided business to the local lumber and hardware outlets. The fact that a majority of future development land is now controlled by some large investors is not Springwater’s issue. These areas have not been rezoned from agriculture for residential development and even though municipalities seem to be frightened by threats of developers and their lawyers at the OMB, the fear mongering is unfounded. It is time for Springwater and its council to let these out of town developers and their high paid legal teams know that Springwater belongs to us and if these developers are respectful and contribute to the well being of Springwater then maybe some development may be permitted. I would prefer more focus on bringing real businesses to the Bertram and Flos 4 East industrial areas allowing more Springwater residents to live work and play in the township. Instead of fighting with the County or Province about the numbers allocated to Springwater, a lot of time and effort could be spent on other more urgent and worthwhile needs. The Province has said the numbers will not change and I support the Provinces view.

Councillor Ritchie made a notable remark at the May planning meeting when he commented that there is far too much duplication of efforts at various levels. He was referencing the application for funding to do cultural mapping of the area. His observation that Tourism Ontario should be the agency to provide this as part of the big picture efforts is quite correct. Unfortunately he was the only one that voted against the resolution which will cost the township about $6,000 if the application succeeds. We have the same issue with Planning and Economic Development. The County has spent tens of thousands of dollars on an Economic Development Strategy and so have most of the municipalities. It makes no sense, as only the municipalities have the land for growth and new businesses. Now the local municipalities including Springwater will have to ensure that their economic development strategy does not conflict with the County plan. Wasted money and another roadblock to fast tracking jobs in Springwater.

Is there a loss of focus from the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA) that is charged with watershed protection? Some people and many local councils think so. They need to get back to basics as their credibility is suffering from a few poorly misguided reports. They too want to duplicate the efforts of the MOE and MNR at times. Too many swelled heads in cushy jobs building empires is my take on it. The NVCA must stay focused on its primary mandate of floodplains in the municipalities they serve. The NVCA have the expertise to do the job, which is greatly needed if we truly want to protect our water, as we undertake new residential and commercial development.

It is time that those leading the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority get back to basics and read their own mission.

OUR MISSION - Working together to value, protect, enhance, and restore our watershed resources, for a healthy sustainable future


To achieve our mission, we have five major objectives to consider, including:

• Protect, enhance and restore water

• Protect, enhance and restore land

• Protect life and property from flooding and erosion

• Provide educational and recreational opportunities for the public

• Partner with our Watershed Municipalities, provincial/federal agencies, Conservation Ontario, and other interested stakeholders to achieve mutual goals.

It is not easy being a member of council. Feedback from each of us on a regular basis is essential if we want to see Springwater succeed and grow as a unique rural and agricultural based community. Take the time once a month or even a few times a year to come out and see your council in action by attending either the Planning or Regular Council Meetings. We in Springwater need to become more involved. Very few people attend the council meetings. If you can’t make it, at least read the agenda on line and call your councillor if you have questions.

Keep informed follow Twitter @LocalAdvocate or follow my blog http://springwatercitizens.blogspot.com/