Sunday, November 29, 2020

COVID-19 and Springwater Township ballooning Budget-What are they thinking!



I am intrigued when everyone emphasizes using science as we fight this Pandemic. Unfortunately for the most part the science argument is used to support the view of the day based on political positions. The panacea of the cure-all vaccine actually frightens me more. Vaccines typically take about 10 years to scientifically prove their efficacy and side effects. But it appears many are ready to be first in line when it is released in early 2021. I hope the lines are long as I will keep moving to the end of the line for my shot, as something tells me that 10 years from now we will have front page news on the horrors of this rushed remedy. I believe it makes more sense to find treatment for the infected to minimize the health impacts and not just focus on a cure all vaccine, as there really is no such thing. Most people don’t realize that the Spanish Flu ran is full natural course and the only focus was prevention such as hygiene, disinfectants and improved sanitary conditions. It was not until 1942 that there was ever any type of vaccines for the flu and of course every year we seem to get it wrong and I question whether it reduces rather than improves our natural immune system. But if you watch the media, the large pharmaceutical companies and their high paid henchmen with multiple degrees behind their name will tell you differently. Like the Spanish Flu, it will take herd immunity and the human bodies natural ability to develop immunities to this current COVID-19. And yes, many will still die! I think we all need to get past the “I am God” syndrome and realize nature takes its course. In the meantime let’s focus on wearing masks, physical distancing and personal hygiene as over a 100 years ago that was the solution that ended the pandemic over a two year span without the science of today which seems to be losing the battle regardless of what we spend. Closing down the economy simply means we will have no money in the near future to create the resources we need to fight this silent and deadly disease. Let’s face it, Canada effectively closed its economy at the start of the Pandemic and what did it do? It simply delayed the inevitable which is happening now. In a short while, we will be at the same percentage rate of infection as all other major countries in the world but much worse off. Under the Trudeau hand-out mentality we will double the national debt and have gained little. Its time to stop watching CNN!

Springwater Budget

In the last term of Council, instead of having a few long budget meetings, we initiated a program where the budget would be segmented and dealt with in chunks. As the old expression goes, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time”. Believe me the township budget is an elephant in its own way. This year there are 5 sessions and two of them occurred this week. I encourage you to watch them live and send in your comments. Springwater has had ideal growth for over 20 years, with annual residential growth when averaged, of about 2% which is manageable and sustainable. The focus has been on “need to have” first and then “nice to have” which keeps a municipality an attractive place to live. There must be a balance. Currently without any program enhancements the proposed tax increase would be just under 2%, which doesn’t sound too bad, but it would be an additional 3% if the requested enhancements are approved, which in these pandemic times, shows a disconnect from reality. The County is planning a zero increase and even though I think we have an out of control education system, our local boards are also planning a zero increase. It begs the question, “What is going on in Springwater?” Most businesses, that grow, increase efficiency and do more for each dollar. In the last two years, in Springwater, we have had much new tax assessment come on board from the Stonemanor Woods development in Centre Vespra and growth in Elmvale and Snow Valley, which will continue for another few years. These are not small dollars by any means. In simple terms, it appears we are spending more money than coming in. To be frank, with the dramatic growth Springwater will encounter over the next 10 years, I believe there should be no actual tax rate increases as the new assessment and annual assessment increases will add at least 5% revenue to the coffers annually. If we cannot manage our business with revenues increasing at that rate, something is wrong with the leadership. I know we have good management at Springwater, as I had the pleasure to work with them for four years. If Council provide direction to staff requesting a zero tax rate increase, I know they can do it, but there has to be some leadership to make that happen. The upcoming meetings which are live streamed are on[BF1]  Mon Nov 30 from 1 to 4 p.m.; Mon Dec 7 from 6 to 9 p.m. and Weds Dec 9 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Remember it is our money they are spending and you need to have a say. This year, if for no other reason, Springwater Council has to show leadership and approve a zero tax rate increase.


Again, please remember these are my thoughts and I am not asking you to agree. I respect your freedom of expression and encourage you to SPEAK UP, before that freedom is taken from us!!
