The Springwater Council was quite civilized on Monday Nov 2. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor were quite cordial, so I don't know what will come of the fireworks from Oct 15th where Deputy Mayor Hope challenged Mayor Guergis on a number of items.However it appears that Mayor Guergis was about to pull one of his usual tricks when it came to Item 2 on the correspondence/action items under the heading "Resolution from the Township of Essa regarding the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority", requesting an independent review of services and fees. On the surface it sounds harmless and could even be considered being good stewards of the taxpayers money. When it appeared that council would not be supporting the resolution, Mayor Tony pulled out his delay weapon, THE DEFFERAL. He suggested the matter should be deferred until a later time when more information was forthcoming. In real terms what he meant, "Let's not record that we are not supportive of the Essa Resolution where my brother Dave is Mayor".For those that have been following the saga with the NVCA, Mayor Dave Guergis in Essa first attempted to have it disbanded. When that approach failed, he seems to be doing everything he can to put stumbling blocks in their way to prevent them from doing their job. I am not saying the NVCA is perfect but its the best we have to prevent uncontrolled growth on questionable flood plains such as the undeveloped property beside the No Frills store in Angus. I wonder who owns that property?
Anyway, the Spingwater Township Councillors after months of being dragged down by his one man Site 41 show, ignored the mayor's deferral request and passed a resolution to "not endorse" the resolution provided by Essa. It was good to see the Springwater councillors stand up to the Mayor's rather persuasive ways. I think we will see more of that independent thinking for the rest of the term.