Dr. Michael Powell on behalf of the Elmvale Foundation, in a very articulate and impromptu address to the Corporate Services Committee today, outlined a visionary approach to grow towards a sustainable future by involving all the stakeholders. He emphasized the need to focus on the key elements of air, water and soil in our plans for the future. We must seek the cure rather than just focus on the bandaid solutions of land fills and incineration when it comes to waste and recycle management.
It was somewhat disappointing to see members of the committee talk about reasons of why it won't work rather than embracing the concept. Some even suggested that maybe someone else should try it first.
I was disappointed that the committee only received the report rather than passing a motion to have the Elmvale Foundation directly involved with developing the waste strategy of the future for our County.
I would hope Dr. Powell would consider a similar delegation to Springwater Council as it may be an ideal municipality to undertake his visionary approach.